Saturday 19 October 2013

19 Oct - Sydney to Bronkhorstspruit

A long day today - both in time and distance !

Took the shuttle bus to the international terminal and went through the standard procedures.  No hitches.  Some people were selected to go through the body scanner and AP was shown how it works.  No one had their bag searched nor their body.  

Our plane was waiting for us.

AP and D had 'nice' seats at the back of the plane while AR, C, and T were in the middle closer to the front. 

We joined the queue of planes and spent the first half our of our flight taxi-ing to the runway.  We could see the smoke from the fires from the air.

Uneventful flight, boring movies.  This was a 14hr flight so one does run out of entertainment.  

AP and D had booked a vegetarian meal so we got fed first - good one.

Coming over the coast to South Africa there were the usual little clouds and when we got close to JHB we really hit weather.  

The pilot warned us that it would be a bit rough - and one child who had been fractious all through the flight was wooping with fun over each bump !  Five minutes from landing and suddenly the numbers jumped and the pilot powered up and we did another circle of the airport in the clouds with the lightning zapping past.  The pilot told us later that a plane had been still on the runway.  

Into the airport and passed quickly and uneventfully through the paperwork.  We were about to pass through the exit when C asked 'where is customs?' - that was it !!

Off to Avis to collect hire car - our Hyundai H1 had been chaged to a VW Transporter a big but perfectly good van.  Set out from the airport, north then east to Bronkhorstspruit.  There is lightning flashing on both sides of us and it is rather dark.  We wondered why there was so much quartz gravel on and at the side of the road - then realised that it was hail.  A massive hail storm had passed through, leaving piles thick enough to be snow.  

Arrived at Bronkhorstspruit - no power, so we struggled to navigate with no streetlights but found our BnB who had a massive generator running.  Light dinner and off to bed.  Although it was about 9pm at this time, our bodies, partly on Australian time, thought it was about 4 in the morning !

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