Tuesday 28 January 2014

Olifants to Crocodile Bridge, seven

As we travelled further south the countryside changed.
Rhino mother with her calf resting in the shade.

The temperature was measurable
 Popped into Lower Sabie camp for an icecream.  Full of busloads of tourists.  Rather hot and dirty.  These little birds had a good idea.

Crossed the Sabie River

And continued south onthe H4-2

Olifants to Crocodile Bridge, six

We continued south on the H1-3.
This may be a skull of a poached elephant.
Brief stop at Tshokwane picnic area to stretch legs and buy cold drinks.


Nkumbe lookout


Olifants to Crocodile Bridge, five

In the heat of the midday sun we came across the hot, pregnant lioness resting in a spot of shade.  There were about 6 cars looking, but all the rest drove away when she kept still.
Resting in the shade next to a waterhole
For some reason she suddenly got up and wandered over to have a drink.
Got up
Had a drink and wandered around the waterhole
THen she spotted this tortoise resting in the sun, she ran over to it and tried to eat it or play with it.
Make a determined aproach
Tried to chew it
Then after less than a minute, turned around, had a drink and went back to her piece of shade
Turned around

Walked back towards the water.

She then lay back down in the shade

Olifants to Crocodile Bridge, four

Near Satara Camp the vegatation changed slightly and we spotted ....  Well he is rather easy to see.

Elephant near Satara

Fine elephant at the side of the road

We popped into Satara for a drink and a look around.

Grey Loerie

Bulbul and sprog nesting on the lamp. What about the big bug ?

A ...... beetle

Lilac Breasted Roller
As we left camp this Lilac breated roller stayed still just long enough for a single photograph.

Olifants to Crocodile Bridge, three

Driving south we had a nice colection of animals, but not all co-operated photographically.

Saddle Billed Stork

Flat plains and no more mopani scrub.






Olifants to Crocodile Bridge, two

Left Olifants Camp on the H8 and met these giraff soon after turning onto the road.
Giraff patterns
 Stopped briefly at the lookout then travelled down the H1-5 towards Satara.
Next stop - the bridge over the Olifants River

Olifants to Crocodile Bridge, one

Today we drove from Olifants Camp to Crocodile Bridge Camp.
Sunrise from the stoep.
Started the day taking photos of birds from the stoep of the rondavel
Red winged and glossy starlings
Red winged starling
 This hornbill waiting untill we used the tap, then collected the stickey mud to make a nest with in a tree near out rondavel.