Sunday 22 December 2013

Shimuweni to Olifants, ten

After lunch we left Letaba, took the S94 initially then turned left onto the S46, following the Letaba River.  Giraffe saw us, and instead of hiding in the bushes, it walked next to us and crossed the road.

A turtle- not a tortoise- on the dry side of the road, its a mystery.
 Taking the gravel roads was a bad move.  They were so corrugated it made for really unpleasant driving.  So we discontinued following the river and took the S33 gravel road, then onto the sealed road to Olifants Camp.

We arrived at Olifants camp in the afternoon, the tusks are plastic.
 We too three perimeter rondavels, in a row.  The view from the stoep.
 Two beds in each rondavel with a loo and shower.

Animal list for the day
To be added from CM data


Shimuweni to Olifants, nine

Just before the turn off to Letaba Camp these three giraffes stood and posed for us.
As we crossed the cattle grid into Letaba Camp AP spotted this large lizard sunning at the side of the road.  When we left it was not there.
 The elephant museum
Outside the elephant museum there is a pond with aquatic creatures.  Frogs, tadpoles, and an aquatic praying mantis!
After the elephant museum we drove out the camp and round to the day visitor area for lunch.  We were the only people there and had the birds to ourselves.
 Black-eyed Bulbul

Shimuweni to Olifants, eight

Crossed the Letaba River on the high level bridge.
Fantastic erosion and a fine dolerite dyke to admire.
 When this river floods it fill from bank to bank, and in bad years goes over the bank.
 Looking down off the bridge deck.
 Young crocodile
 Turtles in a row.
 Turtle and a water monitor! Busy looking at the turtle and initially did not see the lizard
 Do not cross the yellow line.

Shimuweni to Olifants, seven

Large herd of buffalo next to the road, gently moooving along.
 Appeared to be a mixed herd with some calves.  These young bulls were testing their strength.
 Who us, fighting ??
Impala, one of the many.

Shimuweni to Olifants, six

Always Hornbills where ever there are people and food !
 From Mooiplaas picnic area we continued north up the H1-6 to Mopani Camp.
 The restaurant area.
 Pioneer Dam from the lookout.
 The lookout.
 After a brief look at the camp and a visit to the shop we left again.
 We now reversed our direction and travelled south on the H1-6.  There were cars stopped to look at these lions in a distance.  Could not see much, but once got a chance to enlarge the photo realised that it was a hippo kill.
 Large herd of buffalo moving away from a waterhole.  Some zebra were travelling with them.
Continuing south along sealed roads.