Saturday 7 December 2013

Talamati to Shimuweni, Two

Although cloudy and murky it did not rain any more once we had packed the car.  Drove first to Orpen Camp to sort out our morning walk cancellation to find out the reception had already looked at our schedule and booked us for a walk from another camp - well done.

Early morning coffee from the coffee shop rondavel at Orpen Camp.

These are the pictures from the remote camera trap set up overnight.  First visited by a pair of honey badgers getting into the bins and making a noise.

 Then the genet visited again to clean up the braai area.

From Orpen Camp we drove the gravel S106, now newly graded, back on to the H7 and continued to Satara Camp where we stopped for a bit of shopping and a stretch.

 Giraff rushing to find a tree to hide behind

As we entered Satara Camp we saw this starling was making a nest in the keybox.  Flew away of course once the camera was lifted.

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