Wednesday 18 December 2013

23 Oct - Shimuweni Area, one

Up early as usual, another overcast day.  Today's plan is to enjoy the day in camp, then go on a sunset drive.  The camp has a row of cottages set on the bank above a dam.  From our cottage we could see the world go by.
AP and AR sat themselves up near the water to watch the morning activities of the hippos.

 As the day was cloudy the local hippos climbed out the water to sunbathe.  Some of the lumps are hippos, some rocks !
A kingfisher - species to the confirmed.
We also explored the camp and walked around the perimeter.
After a morning spent near the waterfront we took a wander around the camp.  The Gate Owls here are more delicately carved than some of the other camp owls.
After the gate we walked along the track though the scrub.  This is the end of the dry season and the vegetation is waiting for the summer rain.
Mopani tree leaves just starting to show.

A communal spider nest

Some serious thorns on this tree.
Animals we saw from camp
Malachite Kingfisher
Slatey Egret
Red Headed Weaver with nest
Black Heron

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