Sunday 22 December 2013

Shimuweni to Olifants, three

Meanwhile back at Shimuweni Cottages D and T were watching the sun rise.  We had not seen the sun for a few days.  Unfortunately we did only see the sun for a short time before the cloud cover was too much.
Crested Barbet
Crocodile getting out of the water, looking from the tail end.
Egyptian Geese are territorial and object to other birds in their area.

When waiting for the walkers to return D and T walked up to the office and gate.  Signs - there are only 15 cottages, all in a row along the river bank. 
This helicopter flying along the river was a bit of a surprise ! 
But was displaying SA Park Logo, not some luxury game viewer
This acacia has long pods and called a shambok (whip) pod tree
 If you want to make a phone call you need to know your tree species !


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