Friday 20 December 2013

Shimuweni Area, four

We drove down a loop near the river, here we saw three Klipspringers on their rock.  Light difficult for the camera, but we could still see well enough.
We drove along next to the river.
Saw a flock of about 5 Ground Hornbills, they took off an flew along parallel to us, but there was not enough light to take a picture.
Our drive lasted about 4 hours- we saw more animals but have no photographic record of them.
These are the animals we saw on our night drive
  • Impala
  • Blacksmith Lapwing
  • Spoonbill
  • Egyptian Geese
  • Saddle Billed Stork
  • Spotted Eagle Owl
  • Klipspringer
  • Fish Eagle
  • Ground Hornbill
  • Lilc Breasted Roller
  • Elephant
  • Turtle
  • Black Crake
  • Dikkop
  • Kudu
  • Buffalo
  • Night Jar
  • Steenbok
  • Red Crested Korhaan
  • Cape Turtle Dove
  • Bateleur Eagle
  • Scrubfowl

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