Friday 6 December 2013

Talamati Area, Two

We stopped at Bobbejaankrans Lookout.

Elephants were here......

 After a break we continued west along the H7.

Passed Nsemani Dam.

A couple of intersections and on the the H6.

 Arrived at N'wanetsi Picnic area in time for lunch.  This is the covered eating area.
 And this is the toilet block.

 There is a short walk up the hill to the lookout area.
This is the view .....
 And this is what we could see 'resting' in the water.

The rocks near the picnic area and lookout had lots of lizards.

After a comfortable stop and lunch we retraced our route back to Talamati Camp. Impala everywhere of course.

 Leopard tortoise - one of the small five.

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